NERO#1:"Messina is clearly in his element with a dynamic and violent story like this. I don’t know what’s in store for Nero, but I’m sure that it will be painful, and the artist will make us feel every moment of the pain."
trekmovie.comANGEL-ONLY HUMAN#1:"The art is great. Messina is better than ever, creating more explosive action scenes and more emotional down moments. His likenesses have never been stronger, and his panels have never been more detailed. His improvement from his early ANGEL work to this is utterly phenominal."
buffyversecomics.blogspot.comNERO#1:"Knock. Knock. Who's there? Eisner. Eisner who? Eisner Awards you better rec-og-nize! Messina delivers the goods, yet again! As good as Countdown? Lordy, yes! It's flippin' Messina, man!"
trekweb.com...what else I can say?